Here is a work-around for the insufficiently-functioning Mendeley bibtex export for web page/URL citations. The issue is that a) the URL is exported as ‘url =’ and not ‘howpublished =’ and b) there is no ‘last accessed’ (aka ‘last viewed’ or ‘last checked’) field… This little workflow and command line might help someone.
Shoutcast Traffic
Yesterday, somebody asked me how much traffic a Shotcast server produces. And I though I might as well share the computation: Stream @ 128 kbps (Kilo Bit per second) on in average 30 days of a month n = average number of users that listen 24h per day s = 1.1 = Shoutcast overhead factor […]
Mac OS X Snow Leopard Authentication Problem
Hi Folks, A while back, I upgraded my Mac OS X Leopard to Snow Leopard and encountered some strange behavior which did not allow me to authenticate anymore. This lead to very ugly situations where no software could be installed anymore (since the dialog didn’t fire up to enter the password) and some settings could […]
XEN Mixed Networking (Direct Routing + Internal Bridge)
Hi Everybody, in order to setup a new server, I had to deal with this more or less troublesome topic. I want to give everybody a hint who is facing trouble with this. The Setup: – Debian Lenny (Kernel 2.6.26-2-xen-amd64) 64 Bit host and 64 Bit guests – xen-hypervisor 3.2-1 The Goal: I. have a […]
Du bist Terrorist
Dear all, you’ve probably seen that thing floating around in my Skype Status message, but since I’m going to change that status, I want to post the link here. It is a video about the monitoring of every citizen in Germany through the government and the internet service providers. The video is in German, but […]
Digital Evolution
Hello everybody, I recently discovered two videos which were sent to me and made my brain work quiet a lot. Check it out folks: Did you know? (YouTube) Epic 2015 in German (YouTube) Tell me what you think.
True, true…
Today, I received an article about the nation-wide crash of the mobile communication provider ‘T-Mobile’ which lead about 39 million people to not have mobile communications and to the insight, that–most of them at least–are addicted to their constant availablility. Somewhere along this article, this statement showed up: Wir haben das Telefon erfunden, damit wir […]
updated, i18n, utf-8 and other issues
Hello World, how are you all doing? just finished your thanksgiving turkey and started to get busy in the christmas business? I’ve been busy, too: I finally managed to update my blog engine! No, really — no kidding! And with the update I am able to actually use it again ;) And I furthermore decided […]
Spam & Gallery
Servus, jetzt habe ich eine Sicherung meiner Datenbank gemacht und musste mit Erschrecken feststellen, dass dieses eine Gr???üe von 274MB erreichte. Vielleicht ist es dem ein oder anderen aufgefallen, dass die gallery derzeit nicht erreichbar ist. In diesen 274MB sind genau 70MB Nutzdaten enthalten. Die restlichen 204MB sind SPAM! Kein Wunder, dass der Rechner so […]
Servus. Ich dachte, solche Seiten sind langsam ausgestorben oder sind, wenn dann nur, ein ?úberbleibsel l?§ngst erwachsen gewordener ‘Webdesigner’ der klicki-bunti Generation. Heute sollte ich eines besseren belehrt werden. Die Kernaspekte der Usability wurden bei diesem Prachtst?ºck beinahe vollst?§ndig eingehalten (Vorsicht: Ironie). Und hier ist das noch immer gewartete Meisterwerk: